As an institutional practice, archival practices often tend to serve to colonization, surveillance and discipline society of the Modern world. In the last ten years, with the digital technology and social movement detecting, recording and accumulating images become a civil activity. Thus, archiving videos and other types of visual images brought also non-institutional practices and as well contemporary discussions related to image, open source, collectivity and forensics. Beside interviews with video activists; this book compiles several writers’ articles on their practices and discussions of archives from several angles: forensics, decolonization and commons.
Title: Autonomous Archiving
Editors: Artikisler Collective (Özge Çelikaslan, Alper Sen, Pelin Tan)
Contributors: bak.ma, Thomas Keenan, Lawrence Liang, Murat Deha Boduroglu, Ege Berensel, Eyal Weizman, Inadina Haber, Lara Baladi, Shaina Anand, pad.ma, Burak Arikan, Oktay Ince, Eric Kluitenberg, Pelin Tan, Sevgi Ortaç, Seyr-i Sokak, vidyo kolektif.
Design: Yelta Köm
Language: English
Proofreading: Braxton Hood, Pauline Yao
Size: 10.5o x 18 cm
Date: April 2016 / July 2020
ISBN: 978-84-120390-6-1
ISBN eBook: 978-84-944873-1-6